Sharing behind the scenes of two evolving artists, parents, pescetarian foodies, new yorkers, & spiritual tree huggers ~ connecting to believers in abundance, and the power of our visual minds. xo
November 08, 2011
my favorite breakfast...... what's yours?
banana, tofu lightly grilled with vegan butter, ezekiel bread toasted, cinnamon, salt and pepper make sandwiches or not followed with delicious french press coffee with organic soy vanilla creamer xo
again I am surprised by the combo of ingredients. Salt and pepper with cinammon? And I didn't see the tofu coming. It's intriguing. ;) My favorite breakfast is an impossible question, I looooove breakfast. I guess if pressed I would say peanut butter on toast and coffee. But the breakfast loves are endless!
just to note, I was sharing all that tofu with my son. ;)
again I am surprised by the combo of ingredients. Salt and pepper with cinammon? And I didn't see the tofu coming. It's intriguing. ;) My favorite breakfast is an impossible question, I looooove breakfast. I guess if pressed I would say peanut butter on toast and coffee. But the breakfast loves are endless!
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