December 15, 2011

Limitless Blessings....

                         I reopened The Artist's Way book to find a quote for art class and came across this
"Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually." ~ Eileen Caddy ... below it I had scribbled in pencil
"and you will"
That was 2003, when I read the book, just moved to San Francisco, shortly after my Dad died (who recommended the book), and a few months after meeting my future husband.
On the same page, I penciled around this paragraph:
"One reason we are miserly with ourselves is scarcity thinking. We don't want our luck to run out. We don't want to overspend our spiritual abundance. Again, we are limiting our flow by anthropomorphizing God into a capricious parent figure. Remembering that God is our source, an energy flow that likes to extend itself, we become more able to tap our creative power effectively." Next to it in the column I responded:
I'm always saying thanks for the now realizing (thinking) blessings don't last forever or nothing does for that matter - Wow the blessings just change?! =)
How could I forget this simple idea, it's so freeing, and amazing, and abundant?! And true.
Blessings never fade, or die, they just change form.....
Wishing you Faith in that, and Many Blessings this holiday season,
and in the New YEar!

December 13, 2011

Finger Painting (a one year old can do it!)

Our son got his first art making materials (finger paints and paper) at his first birthday from his sassy lil friend Ione, who is about 4 months younger than him. She is walking, and flirting, and sneaking kisses already! Yep, she got one from Stosh right on the smacker this past Sat that made him cry.  She has also been making beautiful finger paintings as early as 7 months old, which inspired us. It use to take two adults to one baby/toddler to make it happen, but these days we're like ol'pros so I took it on myself with Stoshua this past weekend, and wah lah! It's a beautiful Christmas wreath.
(with some help of course!)  
It's best done in a highchair with a bib on. Stosh was definitely more amused this time around than last 4th of July, or October. He definitely found it interesting, and enjoyed looking at the paint on his hands. The finishing touch is always his "hand signature" which is also a really cute way to document his growth. This is an unexpected new tradition, seasonal finger paintings. Parents: buy the non-toxic acrylic or tempera paint, and use big sheets of paper.  We'd love to see what you come up with!
Thanks Ione and Family!  We love finger painting!!!  xoxo 

December 10, 2011

My New Roots

My New Roots is some serious blog inspiration, without reading it, you will be impressed. Similar to the excitement I feel before opening a new Anthropologie catalog, I know I am going to get new ideas from an artistic, composition perspective when I visit.  The textures, and colors, arrangement and mood are obviously considered, and then, well top that off with the fact that it is all surrounding friggen deliciously, scumpshalescent food, that is healthy!!!  This is some good s***!!  I just have to say it that way, but you'll see.  (photo below is from My New Roots blog)

December 08, 2011

O' Christmas Tree

It's so easy to think about what we don't have, and all the things we want, or could use, rather than focus on what we do have. There are times that I try to tell myself, as cliche as it is, that there will be a time, when we look back, and remember 'out little apartment' fondly, and the good times we had, and appreciate the little things we might take for granted. The kitchen for instance. It is an itimate space, that causes us to eat close to one another, pup included.  From my seat I can turn the stove on, grab stuff from the counter, open all drawers, or turn on the toaster.  Our bedroom is a similar situation. We haven't moved our son's crib into his room yet, because frankly I think it's too big for it, the crib, not the room.  Often by morning, there are four (parents, baby, and pup) of us in a full size futon bed. But on top of all that, now there is a tree too, lit with christmas lights, and ornaments that haven't been taken out in over 9 years. This is our first christmas tree together, before Stoshua, we always traveled to see family for the holidays. Each of the ornaments like many of yours probably, have a story, and a memory that's rekindled when taken out and hung up. It's a magical time, that won't last forever, and even though I at times, feel like Charlie's grandparents in Willy Wonka, I wouldn't have it any other way. Here's to what we've got!  xo

December 03, 2011

A message of love ~ science and art

Words are far more powerful than we realize.  After reading Dr. Masaru Emoto's book The Hidden Messages in Water I started becoming more aware of what I was saying on a regular basis. He is a scientist who researches the effects of words, music and prayer on water crystals. The results are in the video below.

Considering we are 70% water, it makes one wonder, how much good or bad have we done to ourselves simply by our positive or negative thoughts and words. I spoke about this to my HS senior English class, and asked them to do something they probably have never done before ~ write yourself a love letter. Tell yourself how truly amazing you are, tell every cell and drop of water that it is loved, and that you have gratitude, and love for your whole being. I invite you to do the same.... however awkward it might feel. Don't you deserve to get at least one love letter from yourself in this lifetime?

  Love & Gratitude - inspired by Emoto            
  Terry Stevenson is an artist in Virginia who created this stain glass artwork inspired by Emoto's work.  She is the creator of Handmade- Hope, a website devoted to her work, and her journey as an artist.